Chapter 15:
Who is Responsible?
God or The Devil
Abundant Life
God is the Creator, Father, Judge, Defender, Preserver, Shepherd, Healer, Counselor, Provider, Shelter in the storm & Deliverer.
He loves us & wants to help us.
Blessings, grace, mercy, abundance, strength, health, victory, vitality, joy, peace, love & security comes from God.
He gives us contentment, zeal for good works, meekness, humility, gentleness, love, & self-control.
Death & Destruction
He is the father of lies, trespasser, destroyer, murderer, accuser, adversary, condemner & thief.
He hates us & wants to destroy us.
Sickness, disease, pain, infirmity, malady, poverty, tragedy, hate, jealousy, depression, defeat, bitterness & doubt come from the devil.
He can tempt, afflict, oppose, sift, beguile & deceive God’s children.nn.n.
God is on this side of the line & the devil will be on the other side. The devil will do everything he can to cross over, if we let him. We have to stay on the side of God & fight with everything we have to keep the devil on his side of the line.
There is an enemy (devil), who opposes all that God is, and everything He stands for. The devil comes against anyone who believes in God or tries to live a Godly life. The devil was an original created cherub, a living, loving, breathing instrument, who brought praise to God (Ezekiel 28:12-17). The problem with recognizing the devil is we see him as an ugly, hideous, creature with 2 pointed horns & a pointed tail. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The Bible tells us that he can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). He disguises himself, so that he doesn’t look threatening & he lulls us into thinking that we are not in any danger (2 Corinthians 11:14). The devil is now in a fallen state because of greed (lust for more & pride (Luke 10:18). Jesus said unto them, “I beheld satan fallen as lightning from Heaven.”
If you removed the “D” from the devil’s name what do you get?” The answer is “EVIL” which describes the very essence of his being. He hates God and what He stands for. We become the enemy of the devil, when we come to God. The devil knows he can’t destroy God , but he can destroy the closest and dearest thing to Him-His children! IF WE LET HIM!!!!!!!
Just as God has a plan for us, so does the devil. The devil’s plan is to steal from us and destroy our lives. “The thief does not come except to steal, to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10). He never stops in what he is doing, nor does he take a day off. The devil is constantly trying to find ways to see, that his plan for our lives is fulfilled. 1 Peter 5:8-11 says we need to be sober and vigilant, because our adversary the devil is like a roaring lion walking about, seeking, whom he may devour. The devil is roaring to get our attention so that we get our minds off of God. He knows, when we get our minds off of God, he can slowly come in to destroy us. Yes, we can rise up against his roar. Yes, we can resist him, because our God of grace and mercy establishes us in maturity and makes us firmly in His image.
Most of the time we're able to recognize the attacks of the devil. we have to keep our guard up 24-7 because if we don’t the devil will slip in & get us off track. 99% of the time he puts thoughts in our minds that don’t need to be there. For example, he will attempt to make us believe that we deserve every bad thing that happens to us. “Deserving” is not the issue with God. We didn’t deserve to have God’s precious Son, Jesus die for us yet He loved us enough He was willing to shed His blood on Calvary. We need to ask God to help us discern the devil’s words in our lives. “Be subject therefore unto God, but resist the devil & he will flee from you (James 4:7).
Many ask a question, I’m a good person so why is he attacking me?” The devil attacks anyone who loves God & lives for Him. We are his targets, as long as we have the heart for the things of God. The greater our commitment is to God the more the devil will try to harass us. He will do all he can to wear us down with discouragement, sickness, confusion, guilt, strife, fear, depression & defeat. He will try to threaten our minds, our emotions, our health, our work, our family & our relationships. He will try to blind us to the truth & get us to believe his lies. The truth is:
“The Devil Has Lost.”
Jesus Is Still No. 1#