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Chapter 12:
Dealing With Negative Thoughts



It is easy to let our minds get out of control. There were times we let our minds think about all the negative things that were happening. We knew it was the devil trying to get our mind off God & the good things He was preparing for us. The devil was trying to make us give up. We realized we should have caught his lies the minute they entered our minds but instead we entertained them. The devil is a clever deceiver who will come to each one of us & try to speak lies into our minds. We have to be on guard 24-7.
    Do you ever have certain thoughts that play over and over in your mind like an old broken record? Has the thought “WHAT IF” ever entered your mind such as “What if I had done things differently than I did? What if I just end it all, would it makes things better for me?” Have you ever had “IF ONLY” thoughts such as “If only I hadn’t done that. Or “If only I had been there.” Do you ever have self-punishing thoughts?” such as “No one cares about me.” “I am no good.” “Nothing I do turn out right.” If you have had thoughts like these, please know IT IS NOT GOD!! It is the devil trying to gain control of your mind.
   Life has much suffering, but often we suffer unnecessarily because of lies we believe about our circumstances and ourselves. We accept the fact that the words that are spoken to our souls by the devil are the truth. We can become fearful, depressed, lonely, angry, confused, insecure, hopeless, beaten down, worried and full of self-pity, all because of lies we believed. We can overcome each of these lies with prayer, faith and the truth of God’s Word.
   We must be aware that the devil  is trying to steal God’s Word from us, because he knows there is power in God's Words. He will do whatever he can to get us to question God and His Word. When thoughts that you think begin to make you question God, you are being set up by the devil. Remember there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12) Certain thoughts may appear to you to be so real, but when you hold them next to God’s Word, the lie is exposed.
   Deception is the devil’s on going plan to attack. Jesus said the devil was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”(John 8:44.) The only power the devil has is in getting us to believe his lies. If we don’t believe his lies, he is powerless to get his work done.
  Refusing to entertain negative thoughts in our mind is part of resisting the devil. We don’t have to live with confusion or mental oppression. We don’t have to “walk as the  rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their minds, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardening of their hearts.” (Ephesians 4:17-18) Instead we can have clarity and knowledge: even though the devil tries to convince us that our future is as hopeless as his or that we are failures with no purpose, values, gifts or abilities. God says exactly the opposite. Believe God and don’t listen to anything else.

God makes a promise, faith believes it, hope anticipates it, patience quietly awaits it.

Fathers Love Ministries

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